Area 51-Scratching Just The Surface Part One.
We all know it exists, and for good reason. Area 51 has been a hotbed for Ufologist and Paranormal researchers worldwide but what is the deal with this military installation? Is there really alien bodies and craft hidden there? Chances are probably not. In today's modern world of black budget projects, it has become well known that even though the Roswell crash debris was first taken here, later they were most likely moved to Whiteman AFB.
WAFB is a United States Air Force base located approximately 2 miles south of Knob Noster, MO; 10 miles east of Warrensburg, MO, and 70 miles east-southeast of Kansas City. Now wouldn't it seem funny that not only are the Roswell debris most likely in Missouri but the world's first known UFO Crash also happened in Missouri back in 1941 in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Now isn't it funny that on Nov, 17th 1947 the 509th Bomb Wing group from Whiteman AFB was activated in Roswell? Coincidence? I think not I think that is this date when the wreckage from the Roswell crash moved from the Area 51 installation to its new home at Whiteman AFB. Area 51 I believe was just a holding place until the military could figure out what to do with the craft wreckage. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you must but I believe that Missouri is a crucial player in all things UFO, it would make sense because we are practically located in the middle of the United States so even if another country wanted to come in and steal weapons or UFO secrets Missouri would be the safest place to hide things considering it's location. Not only this but a Missouri President issued the creation of the now Infamous Majestic 12 group. Majestic 12 was formed in 1947 by executive order of then POTUS Harry S. Truman to facilitate and investigate crashed alien wreckage and to investigate other UFO incidents. Truman himself was born in Lamar, Mo and during most of his youth spent much time at his families 600-acre farm near Independence, Mo. Majestic 12 became known to the public during a period in 1984 when Ufologist Jaime Shandera received a package in the mail that contained a roll of film (Microfilm) that was later developed. The contents of the Film showed 8 pages of briefing papers describing what was called "Operation Majestic Twelve." The documents purported to show a secret committee that had been commissioned by President Truman and it also shows how the crash at Roswell in 1947 should be concealed, how alien technology could be exploited and how to deal with future contact with Alien life. Though people still debate the validity of the MJ-12 documents I believe that they are in fact genuine, and the reason I believe this is because the Microfilm that was delivered to Shandera was delivered by an anonymous source. I could understand if you wanted to become famous for a hoax but why would you go through the trouble of sending a fake package and do it anonymously? You would have absolutely nothing to gain from it! It is my belief that whoever sent the Microfilm was, in fact, a relative of at least someone within the MJ-12 Committee, and I assume that they probably got this microfilm by a member of MJ-12 while they were probably on their deathbed, it was probably the wish of whoever it was that the documents be exposed to the public to blow the lid on the whole Roswell cover up.
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