My Experience Part Three: The Invisible

Article by Citizen X

Back in 2004, it was about 2 months after my father had passed away I was at the time living with my sister at the Nixa Heights Apartments. I remember it was in the afternoon and my sister was busy at work. I went to go lay down for a nap but then suddenly out of nowhere I was pushed into my mattress by unseen forces, it felt as if there were hands all over my body pushing me down and I could hear voices that seemed to be in other languages though I cannot tell you for sure what languages they were as there was too many.

What seemed like just five min to me actually turned out to be an hour later before the ordeal had ended. I cannot recall anything other than being totally and utterly frightened by the experience and I had been paralyzed during the event. I couldn't scream or move at all.

After the ordeal was over I jumped out of bed grabbed my car keys and sped to my sisters work as fast as I could.

I didn't leave her work until she was off. Now I'm not saying for sure that this was a %100 case of alien encounter all I'm saying is I don't believe this was a straight case of sleep paralysis. Considering the fact that I have been dealing with paranormal activity almost all of my teenage and adult life now I'm just saying that it was strange.


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