We work in Parallel Universes says Department of Energy Secretary "Ernest Moniz".

Article by Citizen X
Above Image (Ernest Moniz) 13th Secretary of the Dept. Of Energy

about a two months ago there was an episode of Chelsea on T.V. Whats interesting about the above video is the man with the long hair, his name is Ernest Moniz he is the 13th U.S. Secretary of the Department of Energy. As the show continues they began to discuss the Netflix original show "Stranger Things", in the show the D.O.E Works in a place called the Upside Down which is basically a parallel universe to our own.

Now the big question is....do parallel universes actually exist? Well, Mr. Moniz claims that they do and that we "Work In Them" in this video, does this video verify that F.B.I document I shared about alien creatures from parallel universes? I'm not going to lie when I saw this video my mind was blown I couldn't believe this man just went on national television and said this.

However, despite his calm, cool, and funny nature, I honestly do believe every word he has mentioned here.

I feel that this should have been a publicized ordeal. The fact that we are working in parallel universes is amazing and raises more questions for myself as sure as it probably does for many other people who come across this video.

It has become quite clear to me with movies such as Disney's Tomorrow Land, Marvel's Doctor Strange, Netflix's Stranger Things that the media is trying to tell us something, all of these shows and films coming out recently are delving into to the Parallel Universe world; almost like we are being conditioned to accept the facts.

I have no problem accepting the fact that parallel universes exist and there is most likely a copy of me, you, and every other Tom, Dick, Jane. I just wish I knew what kind of work that the D.O.E is actually doing in these parallel universes.

If you wish to follow Mr. Moniz on FB here is a link to his page. Ernest Moniz maybe one of these days he will drop some more bombshell news on our heads.


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