The Buzzers: A New Type of Being. ''UPDATED'' 8/8/2017

So tonight while scrolling along my facebook page, I happened upon a group on fb who's name I will keep secret, but I found an interesting drawing and post by an individual who had come into contact with this what I'm going to say is a higher dimensional being though I can't be %100 sure about that.

Now here's the funny bit, as soon as I saw the drawing of this being, my right ear began to buzz and after that turned into a static sound like a tv. Well, I scrolled down to read what comments were being said and to my surprise, I wasn't the only one experiencing the buzzing sound. This is the first time I have ever run across a being of this sort and although the experiencer who had originally posted this doesn't have a lot of information yet on this being. Of course, I had learned this after asking for permission to blog about this encounter. This is what they had to say:

 "I don't have a great deal of information on them, but I have frequent encounters with all sorts of beings on the mental level. This one being in particular only appeared in my mind for a second, but it's energy was very peaceful and sincere in nature. It gave off the vibe of a master yet one who is passive in the way that it would not openly interact often and keeps to themselves from humans. But this being has healing abilities that it shared with me I believe. They have Multi-coloured skin that appeared metallic but it's in a way that's hard to describe in 3rd dimensional standards".

Here is a screen shot of the conversation that began to form: Names have been blacked out to protect the identities of the peoples involved.

I will be trying my hardest to keep in contact with the individual involved in this case, as apparently, they have more than 1 type of entity with whom they interact with. This case is definitely peeking my interest as I have never heard of anything like this before. 

More developments in this story:

Apparently, myself and the other two individuals with whom I was speaking with were not the only ones to have an experience with this being apparently there was another person who had claimed to see a being similarly looking to this one. The individual described their encounter as follows: I have seen two beings that vaguely relate

1) Was blue with transparent skin, there seemed to be what resembled red plastic tubes and when looking at your picture, the diameter of the tubes would be pretty much the same size.

2) I saw a guy the other day, he looked exactly like a human with whitey colored skin but had the lines about the width which were black and they covered the head. (he had hair) and body, the top he was wearing showed enough of the neck area to be clear beyond doubt that lines ran all the way from the body/face unbroken down the body. They would be probably 1.0 to 2.0 cm's apart, probs about 1/3 or 1/5 an inch, I'd have to draw them to get the ratio/ size right.
