UFO's spotted during the Solar Eclipse

While looking through some pictures that I had taken during the Solar Eclipse yesterday on 8/21/2017 I came across a picture that I had taken using my selfie cam on my phone and noticed what appears to be two lights on the right-hand side of the eclipse. Now I am not going to jump to any conclusions and say that they were ufo's but I got curious today and was wondering if anyone else had caught any strange activity during the eclipse so I went and visited ufostalker.com and sure enough I found peoples reports on there with photos of the eclipse and ufo's flying next to it. The First picture is from UFOSTALKER.COM case number 86150, you will notice the disk like shape with lights that seem to go around the edge of the craft with a bottom light emanating.

Case Number 86150

The next set of photos comes from case number 86156. There are many lights in this case which make it even more interesting but they still can't match the quality of the before mentioned case. (CLICK TO ZOOM)

The next photo is from my camera using the selfie view I have circled the area to make it easier to find. (CLICK TO ZOOM). Honestly, I didn't even notice the lights until I was already back inside going through my pics but this is the only one that came up with anything strange.


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