The Alien Presence On Earth

Alien Gray with an M.I.B (Above)
Article Written By Citizen X.

With a growing interest in the field of ufology, it comes as no surprise there has been many leaks from the secret world of the shadow governments.

We know now that the world is full of many human beings but what some may not realize and what some will not face is that there are many more species roaming the face of our pale blue dot every day. The only problem is, many of these people you may encounter in today's society may not be what you would necessarily call human. In fact not only are some of these so-called people really aliens but some of them are actually hybrids. A cross between alien and humans.
The fact is that there are facilities around the globe buried deep underground, known as D.U.M.B. for short or Deep Underground Military Bases. Probably the most famous of these facilities is the Dulce Base under the hills of Dulce, NM. This base is known for it's heavy Alien presence with beings reported being seen running around the area at night time. As I'm pretty certain you the reader are probably already familiar with the Dulce base I will not spend my time going on about it. However, if you are not familiar with the base then I will leave this link here for you to read up on >> Now getting back to what I was saying before. There is a heavy infiltration of alien races among humanity, they have been genetically engineered to look exactly like us. I believe that most of these hybrid entities are here blending into our society because they probably wrecked their own planet and need human forms to be able to withstand the conditions of Earth, and slowly but surely they are integrating into our society slowly and silently.

With that being said I don't believe that all aliens are bad and have a sinister agenda but regarding the work between humans and the reptilian species, and the grays it is safe to say that there is something dark going on in the world today. We must fight for full disclosure, we must blow the lid off of the alien/ufo cover-up!


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