Ultraterrestrials v.s. Extraterrestrials What are they?

Article by Citizen X.

Source. (http://conspiracy.wikia.com/wiki/Ultraterrestrials)

Ultraterrestrials - are like extraterrestrials, a very technologically and scientifically advanced civilization (much more so than ours), except they don't come from space but rather, from our own Earth. In fact, they have been living among us since the dawn of time.
Artwork by Citizen X

It is my own believe that some of the reptilian beings that are said to live in the inner earth probably evolved from the dinosaurs, after the great extinction event. These dinosaurians fall into a class known as Ultraterrestrials, though I also believe some other Ultraterrestrials exist other than some reptilian beings. It is also my belief that beings such as the sasquatch
Artwork by Citizen X

 may also fall into this category of beings, also I believe what we may know as demons could possibly be the reptilian beings as I mentioned earlier or quite possibly another sort of Ultraterrestrial being alone.

The term Ultraterrestrials was coined in the 1970's by John Kneel to explain the airship phenomena, however just because the term was coined then does not account for the many years of Ultraterrestrial activity present below the surface of the Earth.

Is it possible that beings that we are not familiar with are living just beneath our feet? We may never know but the possibility seems pretty good considering the evidence.

The world as we know it may be far stranger than we had previously thought. If all of this information was found out to be true, we would indeed have to re-write history books.
